Order your copy of Alice & Balder's children's book: Bear Bird Bee Bjørn, Fugl, Bie

About the book

‘Bear, Bird, Bee’ is a bilingual tale encouraging children to overcome language barriers and see new possibilities. A story about friendship, collaboration, creativity – and loving honey.

Story (English)

What do you do when you are a honey-loving bear, yet too big and slow to escape the honey bees? You team up with the fastest bird in the forest to trick the bees, then together find another way where everyone is happy.

Story (Norsk)

Hva gjør du når du er en honningelskende bjørn, men for stor og treg til å unnslippe honningbiene? Du slår deg sammen med den raskeste fuglen i skogen for å lure biene, men så finner dere på en annen løsning hvor alle blir glade. ‘Bjørn, Fugl, Bie’ er en flerspråklig fortelling som oppmuntrer barn til å overvinne språkbarrierer og se nye muligheter. En historie om vennskap, samarbeid, kreativitet – og kjærlighet for honning.

Orders and shipping

The book is 'print on demand', via Lulu Press Inc - so your book is printed when you order it. This takes 3-5 days depending on country. At the Lulu shop you can choose between hardcover and paperback. On checkout in the Lulu webshop, you can choose between different shipping options dependent on your address. For most countries you can order both with and without tracking, and express. The project is not for profit.


Currently, the book comes in one version, with English and Norwegian side by side. Let us know if you want other languages!

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